4 Simple Tips to Help Clear Your Excess Estrogen from Your Body

yummy food, healing food,

Let me talk about poop for a second or lack of!

Girls constipation can become a REAL issue for us for many reasons but a big one is estrogen excess.

Our liver & gut do their best to flush out excess estrogen that when left in the body can cause so many of your symptoms like bloating, irregular periods, moodiness, fatigue, waking up tired, sore boobs, brain fog, itchy skin, no motivation, gaining weight especially around the hips, thighs & tummy, headaches & many more including even increasing our risk of ovarian & breast cancer.

It’s important our body is flushing out that excess & it’s not being recycled back into the body to be stored in our fat cells & causing all sorts of issues in our bodies.

Think about these changes to your lifestyle that can help clear the excess by helping your gut & your liver...

  1. Eating loads of green leafy veggies that are full of fibre. Lots of loaded up salads & adding greens to daily smoothies is a great way to get the bowels moving! Even adding a little coconut oil can help too!

  2. Reducing the toxic burden on your system so it can do its job more efficiently! All the household cleaning chemicals & personal care products add up. If it goes on your skin, you may as well be eating it. Switching to clean brands is easier these days (I share some in my stories on Instagram, in my facebook group & on this blog) & using water, vinegar, bicarb & essential oils to clean is an easy switch. You can grab the top 10 household oils & you will receive a free green cleaning ebook to make the money saving switch super easy! Simply write me a message below for the link to purchase.

  3. Clean out your gut. Eat clean 80% of the time. Reduce the load on your system with all the processed numbers & vegetable oils our body hates. Put some good stuff back in. Probiotics are amazing.

  4. Supplement. We all need it as we just don’t get from our foods what our body needs to function at it’s best. We can run a hair tissue mineral analysis test to see where you are lacking. Essentials many people lack in are vitamin B, D, magnesium, zinc to name a few vitals.

Health requires you to minimize the bad things you are exposing your body to & detoxing it out often & also putting more of the good stuff in to function well & find that balance your body needs.

That’s where you’ll see those symptoms above decrease & your overall health improve.

I’d love to hear which number above will you focus on next?


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